Thursday, May 13, 2004

stage fright or what?

Well Sandra and I hit Geneva's Bar. We'd been rehearsing all the early evening and got our set note perfect. Simon was late and Sandra was panicking. She's never played live before. Simon and I are old pro's. With the emphasis on old. We met Sandra six months ago as a enthusiastic amateur and we made it our mission in life to get her into a band and train her in the art of playing live, never suspecting it would be our band.
WE got on stage ready for the first number, Sandra says "I can't remember the chords."
"WHat? You played it perfectly earlier."
"It's all gone." and bless her she was shaking like a leaf.
I started playing Rod Stewarts "I don't wanna". It's a good job Im playing a 12 string it's worth two guitars in sound. She fell apart. TRied a few chords then stopped playing tried a few more an stopped again.
Then it was a fleetwood Mac number "dreams" she was singing. That went well and she was getting into her strie. until finally we did Free bird. Sandra slung on her Mandolin and we rocked it out. Brilliant fun.
WE came off stage Sandra threw herself into the arms of her loved one. He's another professional musician. But that's another story.

Anyway in walks some friends of mine. Abi and her band Within. (Check out their website see Abi is to love her, she is a free spirit I guess. It's hard to pin down what it is about her. Her boyfriend describes her as a gift to the world and I can see what he means. She is special. I leant Richard my 12 string and they went on stage. Incredible. Abi has such stage presence and her band plays brilliantly.

Simon phoned today. Wants to go on a road trip. We are on a mission. To buy a Gibson J200 guitar. He's found one in Bath. So we're taking days off work to go and buy it.
J200? Hey it's a geetar. But not just any old geetar it's a fuck off geeetar. costs about uk£2000. Eeek he's selling his Lotus esprit to buy it.


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