Last night after going to the cinema to see Tim Burtons
"The Corpse Bride" which incidently was pretty good

I toddled off to the Fiddlers Elbow for the Unity Gig. This is Elgin it's the first time she's played live. She was very nervous and made loads of mistakes and started several songs which she didn't manage to finish. BUT received massive applause and is obviously very popular. Either that or the audience at Unity is very very generous and forgiving.
Then there was this guy who played some amazing jazz style guitar.
Later he put down the guitar to do a rap number.

I can't remember the name of the band he's in. I made a mental note last night. It was an easy name to remember, so easy that I didn't bother writing it down. Now there's a lesson for us all. I'm getting old. As usual the place was kicking. I arrived at the door and this woman grabbed my arm as I walked in.
"Three pounds please."
"I'm the photographer."
"So? Three pounds."
"OK tell you what. You explain to the landlord that I didn't take his publicity photos because you wanted to charge me three pounds to do my job."
"Oh I guess that's alright then."
Tom O'Brian was next up. All evening he'd been sitting quietly on a bench not saying a word to anyone.

I hadn't a clue who he was and then he got up to play, his brother is the sound engineer and his sister was also in the crowd being supportive. He wasn't bad he played a great / competent version of "Creep" by Radiohead. Star quality? I don't know. It's a bit early to tell yet. He was obviously nervous, hands shaking as he put on the capo. But hey! I've been there too shaking like a leaf.
Abi was singing too. It always makes my night when Abi sings.

She's brilliant to watch and brilliant to photograph. She told me last night that my photos had been chosen and sent to America. Other photo's were kept back for future use.
So another interesting night.
A friend of mine died last week. He was in his early 50's and ran a shop like mine. Like me he never stops. Always on the go always doing something. He had a massive heart attack that killed him. It made me stop and think. Perhaps my rock and roll life style will be the death of me. But you can't let that sort of thing destroy your life by dwelling on it. If it's time to go it's time to go. Until then.....
all together now....
Rock on dudes
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