Monday, February 26, 2007

Too Old

So I'm getting old. I go for a walk in the local park, check out the flora situation, Coltsfoot are out now, but there's too many people. Too many screaming kids. Too many kids on bikes tear arsing about. I like my peace and quiet. I like solitude after a day dealing with the public. It occurred to me that it was not to many lifetimes ago that I was one of those parents with screaming kids. Tolerating the tears and the tanturms with not so much as a bat of the eye. and now? No thanks been there done that bought the T-shirt. This pic, just to give you some encouragement, was taken with a Fuji Finepix S5500, not a great camera just a run of the mill 4mp point and shoot. But it goes to show that this difficult of all shots a white flower can be captured and still maintain some texture of the white petals without resorting to incredibly expensive cameras. Rock on dudes. Posted by Picasa


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