This week I was approached by the BBC to do some work for them. So as it didn't involve doing anything I don't already do I accepted the job. I'm now a talent scout for Aunty. All I have to do is blag demo CDs off bands I see and make up a press pack for the DJs. That's cool and a huge big up for my street credibility.
This week I've also been asked to manage a couple of bands. I dind't say no but then I didn't say yes either. I'm thinking about it. We're toying with the idea of Unity Management. Unity being my music club I run with Andrew every Thursday. But it could end up being a load of hard work for little of no return. Yikes! Not good.
Todays photo is one I like if only because it's calm and soothing and has this B&W vibe going on even though it was shot in colour
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